Recipe: Tasty Porridge ChocoBanane

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Porridge ChocoBanane. Banana choco porridge: per iniziare la giornata al meglio! Une petite recette de douceur pour le matin, mais pour les matins d'hiver quand il fait bon manger chaud et que vous avez prévu une matinée chargée car. Unser Porridge mit Banane und Schokolade entfaltet seinen einzigartigen Geschmack schon kurz nach dem Erwärmen.

Porridge ChocoBanane Porridge à la pomme et à la cannelle. Jamaican Banana Porridge is a favorite of Jamaicans especially those from the rural areas on the island. If you grew up in the country you had this porridge at least once a week for breakfast. You can have Porridge ChocoBanane using 10 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Porridge ChocoBanane

  1. Prepare 1/2 of cup de flocons d’avoine.
  2. Prepare 100 ml of lait de riz (ou autre lait).
  3. You need 1/2 of banane.
  4. You need 1 of carré de chocolat.
  5. It's 4 of noisettes.
  6. It's 4 of noix de cajou.
  7. It's 4 of amandes.
  8. You need 1 cuillère à soupe of noix de coco râpée.
  9. Prepare 1 cuillère à soupe of beurre de cacahuète.
  10. It's 1 cuillère à café of canelle.

Korean pumpkin porridge (Hobakjuk, 호박죽) is a popular snack / dessert, but some people even eat it for breakfast too. A perfect comfort food in fall and winter! Congee is Chinese rice porridge, which can be served plain, sweet, or savory. Click Play to See This Chinese Rice Porridge (Congee) Recipe Come Together.

Porridge ChocoBanane instructions

  1. Mettre les flocons d’avoine et le lait dans un bol. Mettre au micro ondes. Environ 1 minute..
  2. Couper la banane en rondelles.
  3. Ajouter le beurre de cacahuète et la cannelle dans le mélange. Remuer..
  4. Déposer dessus le carré de chocolat cassé en petits morceaux, la banane coupée, les noix noisettes... et la noix de coco râpée..

Japanese Chicken Rice Porridge (鶏肉お粥 - Toriniku Okayu). by: Oishii Moments. Porridge oats are a good source of soluble fibre, which can help keep your blood sugar levels stable. Porridge is the perfect breakfast food to set your little ones up for the day, slowly releasing energy all morning. It's quick too, taking only a few minutes in the microwave - depending on their age. Porridge is hugely popular in Korea as a breakfast or a light meal.